Box Chart Legend with Box Style
Version: 2023
Type: Features
Category: Graphing
Subcategory: Text, Legend and Annotation
Jira: ORG-14802
In the Box plot, box scale could be added in any of the following ways: Select Insert: Box Scale in the menu, or click the Add Box Scale button on the Add Object to Graph toolbar
Box Scale Control dialog: This dialog is used to control and customize the style of the box scale.
Double-click on the box scale to open the dialog. Or right-click on the box scale to select Properties... from the context menu to open it.
In the box scale, it shows Box Range, Whisker and Median by default. And the displaying of other symbols that depends on they whether selected in the Plot Details dialog.
And label of these components whether to show that can be controlled in this dialog. Except Box Range, Whisker and Median, if the symbol is not selected in the Plot Details dialog, the label option also will not show in this dialog.