In previous versions, rich text in worksheet cells couldn’t be wrapped.
It can be wrapped in Origin 2023 and is set as default.
Ways to set as rich text and wrap/unwrap
Format: Worksheet… menu. Go to Format tab to set rich text, or to turn on wrap/unwrap of each level, e.g. long name, comment, data…
Set Style: context menu. Depending on the location of the right-click, it may be called Set Long Name Style, Set Data Style, etc.
Mini toolbar when click column label row header
Note: When double clicking text to edit (in-place edit mode), text will not be wrapped
In Data cell area, if rich text and wrap are both checked, the text will be center aligned vertically. Adjust the height of the cell to see the effect. System variable @DCWRVC=1
Set @DCWRVC=0 so text is top aligned.