1.LabTalk command to create a gr. object(only work for Graph):
draw -paths objName <pathname of .SVG file>
2.LabTalk command to create a gr. object, and initially set the rectangle of the created object (only work for Graph):
draw -paths -s MyPath "<path name of downloaded 100960033.svg>"
3.LabTalk command to create a gr. object, and support creating ROI from the path in graph object(work for Graph, Matrix, Image):
draw -paths -d MyPath "<path name of downloaded 100960033.svg>"
4.OC way to add/remove SVG file to a matrix layer and associate it with the active matrix object by index:
4.1.Compile following code and execute load_svg_to_matrix("<svg pathname>")
to add SVG file to the active Matrix object of matrix layer.
void load_svg_to_matrix(string strPathName)
MatrixLayer matlayer = Project.ActiveLayer();
if (!matlayer)
out_str("Matrix must be active!");
LPCOSTR lpcszPathName = strPathName;
OLP olpRet = matlayer.PathsObjectsManagement(PATHSMNG_ADD_PATHS_OBJ, lpcszPathName);
if (olpRet <= 0)
out_str("Failed to add SVG!");
4.2.Compile following code and execute remove_all_svgs_from_matrix()
to remove all SVG files from active Matrix layer.
void remove_all_svgs_from_matrix()
MatrixLayer matlayer = Project.ActiveLayer();
if (!matlayer)
out_str("Matrix must be active!");
OLP olpCountRemoved = matlayer.PathsObjectsManagement(PATHSMNG_REMOVE_ALL);
out_int("Paths objects removed: ", olpCountRemoved);