Certain Apps fails to work due to Python package version incompatibility.

Version: 2023

Type: Features

Category: Programming

Subcategory: Python

Jira: ORG-24891

An example for installing two Apps needing the same Python Package— do the following:

  1. Make sure @PYP=0, install one app like SVM Classification app.

  2. Set @PYP=1, restart Origin, install another app like Empirical Mode Decomposition app. Restart Origin.

  3. Empirical Mode Decomposition app should be usable under C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\PyPackage1, while SVM Classification app is available under C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\PyPackage

If you want to use the SVM Classification app, need to set @PYP=0, and restart Origin