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Nuclear magnetic resonance data processing in Origin.

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This app can be used to import NMR data file, create NMR plots and analyze data.
Features include:

  • Import 1D & 2D data (FID or spectrum) MacNMR, NTNMR, FIDCSI, XWINNMR, MSL, CMXW, Spinsight, VNMR and more.
  • 1D processing (either dimension) Baseline correction, left|right shift, apodize, zero fill, FT, IFT, Hadamard transform, phase adjust, SNR and more.
  • 2D processing Transpose, slice selection, coaddition, phase cycling and more.
  • Faster importing and processing with Origin C. Undo button for operations.
  • Batch processing, multiple curve fitting, peak detection, integration.
  • Dual display for comparing, adding or subtracting FIDs or spectra. Import preview.

There are some bugs in the old NMR tool for some Origin versions. And it is too old and not easy to maintain.
We made this app to integrate the old tool’s toolbar and items in Origin menu in a new HTML dialog. It includes all features of the old tool. And we will use this app to maintain the tool. If you find bugs or have suggestions, you can send to us by submitting a ticket.

Download the file NMR_Tools.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
NOTE: This tool requires OriginPro.

Click NMR Tools icon in the Apps Gallery window. A dialog with menus and buttons will appear. It may take several seconds to compile necessary files before the dialog opens.

  • Buttons include:
    • Import NMR: Import NMR data, create the plot and analyze.
    • NMR Plot: Open or update the NMR Plot Controls.
    • Clear Memory: Clear temporary variables and datasets.
    • Notepad: Open a text file in Notepad or a Notes window.
    • Curve Fit: Open the NLFit dialog.
    • Batch Processor: Open the Batch Processor.
    • Options: Open the NMR Tools Options dialog.
    • NMR Tools Help: Open the NMR Tools manual.
  • Menus include:
    • NMR
      • Import: Import NMR data, create the plot and analyze.
      • User Filter: Open import filters in User Files folder.
      • System Filter: Open the system Filters folder.
      • Batch: include two submenus, Editor and Processor
      • Tools: include four submenus, Text File, Phase List, Text Data, Clear Memory
      • Convert to NMR: include two submenus, Real & Imaginary, All Real
      • Options: Open the ONMR user preferences dialog box.
    • Plot
      • Restore Plot: Hide this worksheet and restore its NMR plot, available for active workbook window.
      • Plot Controls: Open or update the NMR Plot Controls toolbar, available for active graph window.
      • Toggle Speed Mode: Turn speed mode on or off for this 2D graph.
    • Help
      • NMR Tools Help: Open the NMR Tools manual.
      • MultiFit: Open the MultiFit sample project.
      • About NMR Tools: About NMR Tools app.

Document, Sample Data and Sample Projects

  • Document: Click NMR Tools Help button or select menu Help: NMR Tools Help in the app’s dialog.
  • Sample Data: In the app folder: \\nmrdata.
  • MultiFit sample project: Select menu Help: MultiFit in the app’s dialog.
  • Sample project: In the app folder: \\Samples\NMRToolsSample.opju.

Related Apps

  1. Import NMR Data: Import some types of NMR data files.


v1.15 1/10/2024 Fixed Display dialog's dark mode issue.
v1.1 11/13/2023 Updated to be compatible with Origin 2024.

Reviews and Comments:
09/09/2024daihuidongCan I use this app to plot the contour plot of the Dosy and Cosy? I already have it processed in TopSpin as 2rr file. I just need it to be ploted in Origin so that I can assemble it with other figures. Many thanks!