File Exchange > Graphing >    Data Highlighter

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Data Highlighter.opx
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Set color to a specific regions of a scatter plot, line plot or line+symbol plot.

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  • Purpose
            This app can be used to color multiple sections of a scatter plot, line plot or line+symbol plot.
  • Installation
            Download the file DataHighlighter.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
  • Operation
    1. Activate a graph containing at least one 2D scatter plot, line plot, or line+symbol plot.
    2. Click the icon in the Apps Gallery window.
    3. In the pop up dialog, specify a dataplot. 
    4. Move the ROI polygon to specify the region to be colored. 
    5. Enter a Category group name and Category name for the selected region. 
    6. Hit Add Color button will:  1. Change the color of specified region in the preview graph below.   2. The data range information will be added to the table.  3. A colormap column is added to the source worksheet. The plot in the preview window is index colored referencing to this column.  
    7. Hit Remove Color button to remove the last color setting.
    8. Hit Apply button to apply the color format to the source plot. 
    9. Hit Reset button to reset the color format for both the source plot and the preview plot.




v1.1: Support line plot and line-symbol plot.

Reviews and Comments:

11/25/2022OriginLabHi Teemo,
We developed this app to highlight different regions on a spectrum. It shows the x-index ranges in the table. So you will see the error message about " monotonically increasing".
If you want to color non-monotonic x-value points, please consider to use the Cluster gadget.

11/17/2022OriginLabHi Teemo 111,
This App requires that X values must be monotonically increasing. Please check if your X column is monotonically increasing.

OriginLab Technical Service

11/16/2022Teemo 111Hello. The data highlighter plugin is not working, it shows an error that X column values must be monotonically increasing, I don't understand why.

10/18/2021OriginLabYou can double click on the yellow area on the graph. Go to Dimensions tab, set Units to scale, then specify the Left and Right as x boundary.

10/17/2021Neena1695Is there a way to specify the x range here instead of dragging the ROI box?

01/27/2018Chen Yangcan not be used. Can not choose any graph

01/26/2018Hideo FujiiHi Du Wangdu,
Could you elaborate your problem unless your problem unable to run this app is simply because your Origin version is less than ver.2017?
--Hideo Fujii, OriginLab

11/14/2017Du Wangducant use