Support updating app from origin app menu directly
Backup OriginProjHistory.txt
Easier way to find the character for column label row to use it in legend and text editing
Support reset cloud setting info.
Control number of projects to show in flyout menu, show/hide full path or hotkey
Context menu in Object Manager and the bottom nodes of Plot Setup dialog to expand layer, group nodes.
Support Select all with Same Type when clicking on a graph object or text in Object Manager
Improvements of Find in Project dialog (F3) in Origin 2025.
Supported using user’s Google API key to get permission.
Improve graph quality in HTML and Markdown Notes window
Inform User that the OPJU already open in another instance of Origin
Support change percentile symbol Fill color, Shape, Size and improve the Box & Whisker button fly-out
Save Notes As supports save substituted text instead of link
When add data slicer for graph, click the edge of the graph page to show page mini toolbar, click the Add Layer Filter Titles button to add
PE List Hide All should keep Name
Support dark mode for Pre-shipped Apps
Added Recent Origin Files dialog to browse recent opj(u), ogw(u), ogm(u) and ogg(u) files.
When Path not shown, show on tooltip and on status bar
1.Support open project from cloud by LT script
2.When open/save project from/to cloud, will add to recent projects.
Support saving project to cloud
Notes Window Preview to allow side by side viewing of HTML source and results
Improve the mini toolbar when drag to select connected objects like asterisk, distance annotation, angle annotation
Introduce more familiar way to display LaTeX in Origin Text
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