The purpose of this App is to allow you to perform analysis on matrices, including importing, calculating, and exporting.
- Importing Matrix: allow you to import data from worksheet and matrix sheet as a matrix, which can be used in calculation later.
- Matrix Calculation: allow you to type Python script to do matrix calculation on this App.
- Exporting Matrix: allow you to export matrix to worksheet or matrix sheet.
The app requires Embedded Python that has been installed with Origin, and originpro, numpy and scipy modules, which will be installed when you install this app.
Dialog Options
Matrices Table:
- Click a row to show the preview of the matrix
- Click Clear All button to delete all matrices.
Import Tab:
- Import Range: select the data range that is going to be imported as a matrix
- Matrix Name: define a name for the matrix
- Import Matrix X/Y Values: specify whether to import the X and Y values when a matrix sheet or matrix object is selected
Cal Tab:
- Insert Function: quick access to general function related to matrix analysis
- Load Sample: load built-in sample to perform analysis
- Python Script: execute Python script
Export Tab:
- Matrices: select matrices that would be exported
- Output to: specify whether to export matrices to a new matrix book or a new workbook