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Analyze radiometric geochronological data.

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This App can be used to analyze radiometric geochronological data (Pb-Pb, Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, Re-Os, U-Th-He, U-Pb). It includes several tools, including isochron, weighted mean, kernel density estimate, cumulative age distribution, york fit and concordia diagram.


The app requires R software (minimum required version 3.4.1) and package (IsoplotR). If R is not yet installed on your computer, please follow these steps.

  1. Run Origin as administrator. Download the opx file and install it by choosing Tools->Package Manager->Tools->Install a Package.
  2. After App installation, a pop-up dialog will ask if you agree to download and install R software before it proceeds. (If automatic downloading fails, you can install the App again or download R from here.)
  3. For the first time you launch the App, it downloads dependent R packages. Wait a few minutes until it is completed.

Notes: If packages download fails, a pop-up dialog will ask you to copy 2 lines of commands from Results Log and run them in R to complete downloading packages. 
          If you reinstall or upgrade R after installing the app, it would not work properly. Please reinstall the app.


  • Input Data

    1. Choose Isotopic Data type (Pb-Pb, Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, Re-Os, U-Th-He).
    2. Choose Input Format from Normal, Inverse(X, s[X], Y, s[Y], &rho[X,Y]) and Three ratios(X, s[X], Y, s[Y], Z, s[Z]). 
    3. Specify input data range.
    4. Select Input Errors type from 1 se (abs), 2 se (abs), 1 se (%) and 2 se(%).

    Notes: X, Y and Z are the isotopic (ratio) measurements. s[X], s[Y], s[Z] are analytical uncertainties (standard errors). &rho[X,Y] is the error correlation. 

  • Dialog Options


    • Model
      • Error-weighted least squares regression:This algorithm takes into account the analytical uncertainties and error correlations, under the assumption that the scatter between the data points is solely caused by the analytical uncertainty.
      • Ordinary least squares regression: This algorithm  ignores the analytical uncertainties.
      • Error-weighted least squares with overdispersion term: Instead of attributing any overdispersion to underestimated analytical uncertainties, one can also attribute it to the presence of geological uncertainty, which manifests itself as an added (co)variance term.
    • Inverse isochron: toggles between normal and inverse isochrons.

    Weighted Mean

    • Alpha: The confidence limits of the error bars.
    • Common Pb Correction: 
      • None: No correction.
      • Nominal: Use the stored Pb-composition.
      • Isochron: Remove the common Pb by projecting the data along an inverse isochron. Note: choosing this option introduces a degree of circularity in the weighted age calculation. In this case the weighted mean plot just serves as a way to visualise the residuals of the data around the isochron, and one should be careful not to over-interpret the numerical output.
    • Isochron to Intercept: Calculate the initial 40Ar/36Ar, 40Ca/44Ca, 207Pb/204Pb, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 187Os/188Os, 230Th/232Th, 176Hf/177Hf or 204Pb/208Pb ratio from an isochron fit. If this option is uncheck,  use the default values.
    • Reject Outliers: Indicate whether outliers should be detected and rejected using Chauvenet&rsquos Criterion.
    • Random Effects: Compute the weighted mean using a random effects model with two parameters: the mean and the dispersion.

    Kernel Density Estimate

    • Adaptive KDE: If checked, the adaptive KDE modifier of Abramson is used.
    • Common Pb Correction/Isochron to Intercept: Follow the same instructions as Weighted Mean

    Cumulative Age Distribution

    • Common Pb Correction/Isochron to Intercept: Follow the same instructions as Weighted Mean

    York Fit

    • Alpha: Cutoff value for confidence intervals.


    • Age:
      • Calculate no age: Plot the data without calculating an age.
      • Calculate concordia age: Fit a concordia composition and age.
      • Calcuate discordia (model-1) age: Fit a discordia line through the data using the maximum likelihood algorithm of Ludwig, which assumes that the scatter of the data is solely due to the analytical uncertainties.
      • Calcuate discordia (model-2) age: Fit a discordia line ignoring the analytical uncertainties.
      • Calcuate discordia (model-3) age: Fit a discordia line using a modified maximum likelihood algorithm that includes accounts for any overdispersion by adding a geological (co)variance term.
    • Concordia Type:
      • Wetherill: 206Pb/238U vs. 207Pb/235U
      • Tera-Wasserburg: 207Pb/206Pb vs. 238U/206Pb
      • U-Th-Pb concordia: 208Pb/232Th vs. 206Pb/238U (only available if input format is 7th or 8th type)
    • Alpha:Probability cutoff for the error ellipses and confidence intervals.

Sample OPJU File

This app provides a sample OPJU file.  Right click the App icon in the Apps Gallery window, and choose Show Samples Folder from the short-cut menu. A folder will open. Drag-and-drop the project file Radiometric Geochronology Analysis Sample.opju from the folder onto Origin. The Notes window in the project shows detailed steps.
Note: If you wish to save the OPJU after changing, it is recommended that you save to a different folder location (e.g. User Files Folder).



v1.14:6/26/2024 Change package location
v1.13:6/8/2022 Add concordia diagram

Reviews and Comments:
01/27/2024sgcCumulative Age Distribution, Kernel Density Estimate, Weighted Mean and Isochron in originpro app do not include "U-Pb" system calculation like isoplotR.Can you add related calculation in originpro app?

01/27/2024sgcCumulative Age Distribution, Kernel Density Estimate, Weighted Mean and Isochron in originpro app do not include "U-Pb" system calculation like isoplotR.Can you add related calculation in originpro app?

10/29/2023OriginLabHi sgc,
Which feature/tool do you want in isoplotR? We will consider to add it in the future version.
OriginLab Technical Service

10/28/2023sgcCould you please update the app to the latest version corresponding to isoplotR?