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Direct Lin...on.opx
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Apply direct linear transformation to do camera calibration and reconstruct 3D coordinates of points by 2D coordinates.

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  • Purpose
    This app can be used to perform direct linear transformation to do camera calibration and reconstruct 3D coordinates of points by 2D coordinates.
  • Features Include:
    • Camera calibration, and number of cameras is up to 6.
    • Reconstruct 3D coordinates.
    • Compute velocity and acceleration using spline fitting
    • Make plot of XYZ data, velocity and acceleration.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Direct Linear Transformation.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    1. Import desired data into a worksheet.
    2. Click the icon in the Apps Gallery panel to bring up the dialog of the app.
    3. Under Calibration branch, choose the number of cameras according to your data.
    4. Select the 3D XYZ coordinates from the worksheet, and unit of the coordinate.
    5. Specify 2D XY coordinates for each camera.
    6. If you have 2D coordinates for reconstructing 3D coordinates, you can specify 2D coordinates under Reconstruction branch.
    7. Under Velocity & Acceleration branch, you can decide whether to compute velocity or acceleration, and specify the settings of spline fitting for these calculation.
    8. Then you can choose what plots to make under Plots branch.
    9. And finally specify where to output the result under Output Settings branch, and click OK button.
  • Dialog Settings
    • Reconstruction Only: If checked, only perform reconstruction using specified coefficients.
    • Calibration Branch: Settings for the camera calibration.
      • Number of Cameras: Choose the number of cameras according to your data, support from 2 to 6 cameras.
      • Same 3D Coordinates for All: If checked, use the same 3D coordinates for all cameras. Otherwise, it can specify 3D coordinates for each cameras respectively.
      • 3D Coordinates (#): Specify the XYZ 3D coordinates.
      • Unit: Select the unit of XYZ coordinates.
      • 2D Coordinates of Camera #: Specify the XY 2D coordinates of the #th camera.
    • Reconstruction Branch: Settings for reconstruction of 3D coordinates.
      • Reconstruct 2D Coordinates: If checked, reconstruction procedure will be available.
      • 2D Coordinates of Camera #: Specify the XY 2D coordinates of the #th camera for reconstruction.
    • Velocity & Acceleration Branch: Settings for velocity and acceleration computation, and related spline fitting parameters.
      • Compute Velocity: Check to compute velocity.
      • Compute Acceleration: Check to compute acceleration.
      • Specify Sampling Freq.: If checked, Sampling Freq. is available for generating time range to compute velocity and acceleration. Otherwise, Time is available for specifying the time column.
      • Time: This is available when Specify Sampling Freq. is clear, and it is for specifying the column of time.
      • Sampling Freq. Unit: This is available when Specify Sampling Freq. is checked, and it is for the unit of sampling frequency.
      • Sampling Freq.: This is available when Specify Sampling Freq. is checked, and it is for specifying the sampling frequency to generate the time range.
      • Specify Breaks: Check to specify breaks, and clear to specify number of pieces.
      • Breaks: This is available when Specify Breaks is checked, and it is for specifying the column for breaks.
      • Number of Pieces: This is available when Specify Breaks is clear, and it is for specifying the number of pieces.
      • Robust Fitting: Whether to perform robust fitting.
      • Beta: Specify beta value for spline fitting.
      • Order: Specify order of spline fitting.
    • Plots Branch:
      • XYZ: If checked, the XYZ coordinate related plots are created.
      • Velocity: If Compute Velocity is checked, this is available for creating the velocity related plots.
      • Acceleration: If Compute Acceleration is checked, this is available for creating the acceleration related plots.
    • Output Settings:
      • Output To: Select where to output the result data, options include New Worksheet, New Workbook and Specified Worksheet.
      • Output Worksheet: If Output To is Specified Worksheet, this is available for choosing a worksheet to output the result data.


v1.1: add support for different 3D coordinates, and support for reconstruction only

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