This App finds onset and endset of a peak within the ROI box. The onset and endset are defined as the intersection of the tangents of the peak with the extrapolated baseline.
Download the file "OnsetForPeaks.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
- Activate a graph with XY plot. Click the App icon to open the dialog.
- Change settings and click OK to add a ROI box to the graph. The settings include:
- ROI box: Change the format of the ROI box, lines, intersection points and labels.
- Baseline:
- Constant Y: Use a horizontal line as the baseline.
- Straight Line: Connect two end points within the ROI box.
- End Points Weighted: Create a straight line using data from two ends.
- Quantities: Select quantities to output to worksheet.
- Move the ROI box select a range of plot. The tangent line, baseline and intersection points etc. will update on the graph.
- Click the triangle button near the top right corner of the ROI to open a fly-out menu. In the fly-out menu, click New Output to output the selected quantities. Click Tag Lines to add the preview plot to the graph.
- Select "Preferences..." from the fly-out menu to re-open the dialog to change settings.