- Purpose
This app can be used to perform direct linear transformation to do camera calibration and reconstruct 3D coordinates of points by 2D coordinates.
- Features Include:
- Camera calibration, and number of cameras is up to 6.
- Reconstruct 3D coordinates.
- Compute velocity and acceleration using spline fitting
- Make plot of XYZ data, velocity and acceleration.
- Installation
Download the file "Direct Linear Transformation.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
- Operation
- Import desired data into a worksheet.
- Click the icon in the Apps Gallery panel to bring up the dialog of the app.
- Under Calibration branch, choose the number of cameras according to your data.
- Select the 3D XYZ coordinates from the worksheet, and unit of the coordinate.
- Specify 2D XY coordinates for each camera.
- If you have 2D coordinates for reconstructing 3D coordinates, you can specify 2D coordinates under Reconstruction branch.
- Under Velocity & Acceleration branch, you can decide whether to compute velocity or acceleration, and specify the settings of spline fitting for these calculation.
- Then you can choose what plots to make under Plots branch.
- And finally specify where to output the result under Output Settings branch, and click OK button.
- Dialog Settings
- Reconstruction Only: If checked, only perform reconstruction using specified coefficients.
- Calibration Branch: Settings for the camera calibration.
- Number of Cameras: Choose the number of cameras according to your data, support from 2 to 6 cameras.
- Same 3D Coordinates for All: If checked, use the same 3D coordinates for all cameras. Otherwise, it can specify 3D coordinates for each cameras respectively.
- 3D Coordinates (#): Specify the XYZ 3D coordinates.
- Unit: Select the unit of XYZ coordinates.
- 2D Coordinates of Camera #: Specify the XY 2D coordinates of the #th camera.
- Reconstruction Branch: Settings for reconstruction of 3D coordinates.
- Reconstruct 2D Coordinates: If checked, reconstruction procedure will be available.
- 2D Coordinates of Camera #: Specify the XY 2D coordinates of the #th camera for reconstruction.
- Velocity & Acceleration Branch: Settings for velocity and acceleration computation, and related spline fitting parameters.
- Compute Velocity: Check to compute velocity.
- Compute Acceleration: Check to compute acceleration.
- Specify Sampling Freq.: If checked, Sampling Freq. is available for generating time range to compute velocity and acceleration. Otherwise, Time is available for specifying the time column.
- Time: This is available when Specify Sampling Freq. is clear, and it is for specifying the column of time.
- Sampling Freq. Unit: This is available when Specify Sampling Freq. is checked, and it is for the unit of sampling frequency.
- Sampling Freq.: This is available when Specify Sampling Freq. is checked, and it is for specifying the sampling frequency to generate the time range.
- Specify Breaks: Check to specify breaks, and clear to specify number of pieces.
- Breaks: This is available when Specify Breaks is checked, and it is for specifying the column for breaks.
- Number of Pieces: This is available when Specify Breaks is clear, and it is for specifying the number of pieces.
- Robust Fitting: Whether to perform robust fitting.
- Beta: Specify beta value for spline fitting.
- Order: Specify order of spline fitting.
- Plots Branch:
- XYZ: If checked, the XYZ coordinate related plots are created.
- Velocity: If Compute Velocity is checked, this is available for creating the velocity related plots.
- Acceleration: If Compute Acceleration is checked, this is available for creating the acceleration related plots.
- Output Settings:
- Output To: Select where to output the result data, options include New Worksheet, New Workbook and Specified Worksheet.
- Output Worksheet: If Output To is Specified Worksheet, this is available for choosing a worksheet to output the result data.