Special Promotion for Free OriginPro Learning Edition

For limited time, OriginLab is currently giving away a special OriginPro Learning Edition for students in selected countries, like China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Russia, Ukraine

The following terms apply:

  1. You must be a full time graduate or undergraduate student with valid university email address
  2. Faculty/Staff/Post-docs are NOT eligible
OriginPro Learning Edition OriginPro Student Version
Cost Free with valid university email address $69 with valid university email address
Origin Features Equivalent OriginPro OriginPro
License Type Node-locked to a single computer with expiration Node-locked to a single computer with expiration
License Expiration Six month One year
Window Limit* 12 30

* For any given Origin Project, windows beyond the first n will not be accessible, but will be saved with the project.

Please provide the following information to get your Free Copy of OriginPro: Or return to the Evaluation download

E-mail address
Confirm E-mail address
Please tell us the reasons you are interested at Origin:
   If you have any trouble with getting the Learning Edition, please e-mail us at le@originlab.com