Origin 2023b Features


Support changing ReportFit.otpu and FitPreview.otpu to set defeault line style and width

After doing Gadget or Analysis, not add analysis markers, tags and fitted curves as new entries in left panel

Copy Table from result sheet as transposed table (text) to clipboard

Customize Pearson’s r and Adj. R-Aquare Label

support log_e scale digitizer

The output worksheet of Gadgets changes to [%H-xxx], %H means the Short Name of source graph, it’s easy to know the source graph of the result

Add Set GrayScale Range and Reset GrayScale Range mini toolbars buttons for the grayscale image.

Improve recalculation not to show hidden column label in result sheet

  1. Add Auto Rescale Background Image button on layer’s mini toolbar when background image is linked to an image window.

  2. When Auto Rescale Background Image mode is on, the coordinate changes in the image window will be applied to graph layer’s XY scale.

  3. Plot image by menu Image: Plot image and the Auto Rescale Background Image mode is on for the plotted graph.

  1. Added option to change Image Window’s background color

  2. Display Actual Size Show Image at Window Center

Improved img.fps to support gif image.

If ROI’s full name/SVG name/slice name of brain atlas exists, it’ll be outputted to the Intensity Profile result.

Now multiple ROIs for Image window can easily select, rename, delete etc in Object Manager

Right click on image window and choose Add ROI context menu, it will add ROI instead of modify.

Create ROI from the SVG, the ROI full name, SVG name and slice name of brain atlas will be saved into binary storage tree:


No mini toolbar should show for Vertical cursor and zoom in rectangle box

Add 4 context menus about ROI for image window:

  1. Export ROI… (//disable when there is no ROI)

  2. Import ROI…

  3. Create ROI from XY…

  4. Clear All ROIs (//disable when there is no ROI)

We improved the algorithm of baseline detection in Quick Peak

Statistics on all columns of a sheet

  1. Origin2023b adds Exclude Missing Values checkbox under Case Sensitive. It is checked by default. It should exclude both missing values and empty values.

  2. Origin 2023b adds Cumulative Count checkbox under Count.

The Circle, Polygon, Region Tool on the Tools toolbar is available for adding ROI on image window.

Data Handling

Auto update of cell formula or column formula with reference to linked variables

Support appending certain 3D Variable as Columns in same sheet.

Use wks.colN.group to specify which group the Nth column belongs

Duplicate sheet with more files context menu” to import more files with same import settings

Added Connect by Duplicating Active Sheet to context menu for Data Navigator.

Loading last used file info. in the dialog can be confusing and add All Files to File Type for CSV Connector.

For the 4D matrix book, add ROI then do Create New or Extract XYZ. And it will generate the active sheet’s result. Switching sheets to check diff sheets' result.

Added menu “Custom File Extensions…” to CSV Connector and Import Filter Connector to customize file extensions.

Delete Hidden Rows is added in Reduce Rows dialog

Reduce rows by deleting whole row based on missing or masked value in reference column

Support drag and drop SVG files into Graph/Layout to insert.

Set @ds =1 and import CSV data with higher precision and save project. Project level system variable @dsp will be set to 1970 for the opju.

Change HTML and Markdown to use CEF engine.

Make it easier to import tables on web to workbook

Support multiple select for HTML tables in Data Navigator, and import into active sheet.

Added LT script: wbook.dc.URL$

Improved paste Ctrl+V to check TAB, comma and semicolon.

Support Boolean type and copy paste or import data from Excel

Set long_name of NetCDF data to matrixobject comment

Insert: Image from Web… supports url links with SVG image

For the 4D matrix book, add ROI then do intensity profile. And it will generate all sheets' intensity profile result.

Allow to disable the connect to cloud/web features for all clients

If image is linked, Origin project file size will be small and the image will auto update if external file changes

wks.dc.script$ for post import script

Matrix Book LT property to indicate matrix sheets are depths/levels of 4D object

Click Digitizer toolbar button will check if there is image on clipboard first

Cell formula calculates with missing value show as empty in label cell

Import 1st level instead of middle level

Auto detect single cell matrix and import into worksheet column instead.

If dense data is averaged into daily data, then matrix name will be show date info. only

New design for LT script to open XFs dialog.

Make it easier to find the exported file in folder

Remember the Prefer Long Name option status in Set Values dialog

Show contents of found cell by Find tool in the Formula Bar

When import colorful image, it supports generating the intensity profile result base on RGB value of each cell.

In order to check all sheets' dimension, add the Dimension Column in workbook/matrix’s Navigator.

System variable @upa added

Show cursor in SQL Editor so user knows see where it is going to insert

Shows information like: [Columns x Rows x Number of Matrix Objects] on the Status Bar

* will be highlighted when double clicking a table on left panel of SQL Editor

Not allow insert/delete/add sheet or drag sheet out into new book, when import 4D NetCDF variable into Matrixbook as 4D.

Add new functions to calculate RMSE, MBE, and MAE

Support importing 4D NetCDF to Matrixsheet as 4D.





If need to repeat import multiple groups of files, then create a workbook connecting to a group of files, and use clone import to select other groups of files to import.

For the 4D matrix book(the 4th dimension is sheets), the single ROI will be displayed across matrix sheets.

Add convert text to outlines checkbox in expg2img dialog for EMF and SVG

Resize and rotate SVG image inserted in graph/layout

Unfreeze Mini toolbar when clicking on frozen column/row/cell

Auto decide Image/Data mode depending on matrix size and keep modified view

Show the Flip Colormap button on Mini toolbar for matrix when it is in the view image mode. And it’s after the Palette button.

We add new X-Function to export as Excel and call it expxls

Disallow insert/delete rows if worksheet in protection

Improve Worksheet Query tool and wxt X-Function to select rows by default


Support double-Y/Z for XYY 3D bars, 3D wire, 3D wall, 3D waterfall, 3D ribbon, 3D scatter, 3D bars.

When adding straight line in graph with tick labels calculated by divide by factor, user can use the calculated tick range

Align Y axes at specified value in new single-layer double Y graph.

Annotation should move with data plot when offset is changed

For multiple panel graph, click axis in any layer, click Apply Formating To button, support This Layer and This Window in the context menu to easily customize axis for different layer

For This Window, support three more context menu X Scale, Y Scale, All Scales

Fix translation mode of of labels after using Attach Legend to Plots button on legend MT button

Turn on arrow head for XYZ axis in 3D graphs

LabTalk command to intelligently reposition the Legend.

Dropbox added on box chart mini toolbar button

Using SVG drawing for LaTeX

Colormap box fill color with column label value, etc.

Keep image linked and updated when copy and paste an image from one graph or layout to other graph/windows

In graph window, drag selection in Region of Interest, support mini toolbar to Scale in or Enlarge to Separate Graph

Indicate Active Dataset button on legend level MT button

Allow further customization of stack plot labels and titles. Improves xf plotstack.

Analysis markers (e.g. peak markers and baseline markers, etc.) will not show in legend by default.

Support Bin Settings button in Histogram mini toolbar to customize Bin of Histogram

Support mixed display (what is this word supposed to be?) mode to show statistics in lower/upper triangular. More options to customize the label text. More statistical plot type for the diagonal cells.

Increased to maximum number of Histograms bins to 10,48,575.

We support map symbol shape to a column in 3D scatter plot.

SVG image object name, linked or not, file path

Insert image from file or web should be set as Linked File if file size is larger than 800kb

Allow easy placement, resizing, and rotation of SVG images in graphs

Specify reference line labels from a column

Better Partial Text Alignment. Text Property Dialog To Support Selection Alignment.

Right click on the SVG graph object and check Link File context menu.

Set Major Ticks = By Increment and Value = Year and minor ticks count as 11. There could be 12 minor ticks in the past. Now Origin has better handled such case with @AMID=1

Support rescale all axes

Show plot’s layer & group name, plot index or column designation info. in legend

We support Multiple Planes for 3D

Added More online Template for 2023b. You can get the latest online template via Tools: Template Center.

For axis with tick increment by hour(s), only show Date part of 1st tick of the day

Independent rescale margin for min and max of axis

When label is inside node in Sankey, move label could also move node

We put link to center of node, like the right part of the graph

Plot Sankey Diagram with longitude and latitude XY and then insert map as background

3D Line Tab Support Arrow

Origin support show fill entry only for fill under curve=normal or fill to base. for @LLAB, the 1st bit control whether we should show fill entry(see S6), the 2nd bit control whether we should use old style legend(fill only) for normal and fill to base. 1 to use fill only legend for normal and fill to base.

Support Lower/Upper Triangular without diagonal for label display.

Click Sort X mini toolbar button to set plot’s X to be sorted

Browser graph with lines stacked by Y offset or column label row information

Support Stacked Bars or 100% Stacked Bars on Map

Group by Sheet option to plot data same sheet together in one panel in browser graph.

Add Color Sub-Categories by Parent checkbox under fill color in Plot Details' Pattern tab.

Support Create Category in Data Highlighter Mini toolbar

Enable gradient fill group when fill color of 3D bar and XYY bar is filled by point.

Origin now support setting the line width to be index to a column.

Add Show Y Axis control for Spiral plot. You can see the control in Plot Details dialog’s Labels tab.

Vertical alignment options added for Data Info. window and tooltip window

Plot one Y against multiple X. Currently you can not plot with XXXXY or YXXXX directly for most plots.


Adding system variable @FWD to avoid accidentally floating case when move window to upside of main MDI

For Floating window like worksheet, graph, matrix and layout, support some menu items

For Floating window like worksheet, graph, matrix and layout, support some toolbar button

Duplicate Window and Graph object by hotkey

Drag child window outside Origin’s main window.

When activate or minimize main workspace, floating window activates or hides together

Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab should include floating windows

Use Different Color on Window Name to indicate Floating

When switching to another folder in Project Explorer, the floating window still shows

A system variable to allow pinned window show when switching folders

Mix of Menus and toolbars in Floating window

Object Manager inside floating window

  1. “Show Saving Size” is added to right-click Project Explorer empty space menu,

  2. “Linked File” is added to right-click inserted picture context menu.

In Project Explorer, Ctrl+Click should deselect file when mouse is released

Labtalk command to retract all floating windows to original folders or current folder

Shortcuts in Favorite Folder Saving

Unmaximized Origin project saving and opening in different monitor resolutions should scale properly

Minimized windows will not be squeezed together

Keep the zoom level of font size in the Script Window.

In left toolbar, support Arc Tool in Line object fly-out. Draw an arc, click it, drag the anchor point to draw a large arc

.ort files can be transferred to new version’s User Files Folder, and can be published to member PCs for the Group Folder Sharing configuration.

Want tooltip to show Long Name for minimum window


Set the text limit from 32767 to 65536 for the editor in R console.

Added a python function from_img(img) to MSheet class to support convert image to Matrix.

Improved image.from_file() function to support import image from URL to image window.

Coloring and right click to run selected lines in Code Builder

Add a new command to remove escape code from text objects

wks.DeleteRows(), wks.DeleteRows(0),

Improve Countif etc. function to support simpler condition

LabTalk doc method to return page short name from long name

Add a new function rgb() to split RGB value

Added a labtalk function doc.download() to download template

Add a new command to set colormap transparency

Support negative index for special point when using set/get command

Time functions add optional argument to return elapsed time period

LT color function supports converting Red color in high byte

Return missing value (--) or blank instead of the old -1

Added three new member functions added to OC class ImageLayer.

Added a python utils function olab_download() to download template.

Added an optional argument “ratio“ to save_fig() function, useable when type is svg or emf, default 0.

Added following function to modify the gap option to make sure two column plots have same column width.

int  okutil_make_same_bar_width(GraphLayer *pSrcGl, GraphLayer *pDstGl);

pSrcGl: Source graph layer with column plot

pDstGl: pDstGl is the one to be modified.

New dialog provides to define variables across sessions

Show StringArray variable in the LabTalk Variables and Functions dialog

Upgrade embedded python to latest version 3.11.

Add a new property to wks object for database import

There is only GUI way to right click label and set its display format.

Origin 2023b Bug Fixes

Data Handing





Origin 2023b Known Issues


The SD of estimate value of parameters of the Weibull distribution are wrong


File: Export Graph (Advanced)… dialog shows Runtime Error or a messed up dialog

Error bars on graph disappear in Origin 2023b

LaTex Text Fails to Render in some specific projects


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