Origin 2018 Features


Batch processing support XYZ columns, worksheets, and data ranges.

Perform multiple linear regression for spectra.

Add more Fit Statistics to fitting Result Table Quantities
FDF should include Category
Fit until converged supports all datasets for multiple data
Put all weighting methods in drop-down items for all input datasets
Smarter Handling of NLFit X Data Type
Ignore Hidden column/plots when choosing all columns or plots for analysis
Set Default Digits for individual types of analyses
Improvements to Batch Processing
Automatically set Area/Amplitude boundaries based on Peak Finding Direction
Add ellipse coefficient to correlation matrix
Add grouping support for Statistics on Rows
Add Median Absolute Deviation, Robust Coefficient of Variation and Harmonic Mean for Statistics on Columns/Rows tool
Add option of Exclude cumulative counts plot to Pareto chart dialog
Discrete Frequency for categorical data needs to add zeros for if not found
Improve Weibull Fit with RRX method and Add Plot for survival function and hazard function for weibull fit
Rename Weibull Percentiles into percentages
Weibull Fit Calculate 100% Probability Which Can't Plot

Data Handling

In Set Column Value dialog, use Navy color for LT variable, Wine color for LT function, Pink color for Spreadsheet column name.
Convert Origin to use Unicode for text and a new file structure for various Origin files including projects.
Copy and Paste Excel cell(s) to Origin Graph will paste as text by default.
Copy Full Precision change to text only
A new checkbox "Add Filename User Parameter Row" in Import dialogs.
Ignore hidden columns in ASCII Export.
Import ASCII one row header line with special format
Import Excel- Support Importing Sheets into Separate Workbooks
Under Partial Import node. See ASCII Import dialog for example syntax.
In the Projects tab, Origin projects that were modified and not actually saved can be reopened with the modifications in place via the Unsaved Files list.
Increase the Maximum number of Sheets per workbook.
Keep formula exactly as entered by user.
More options in Excel Import.
New impASC on GUI and related changes
New Project File Extension for New File Format and File Dialog
New X-Function wcellfmt added to set selected cells' format.

Search the specified keyword in all the OPJs in the specified folder.

Set Origin to be the default software to open data files.
Support carrying over column categories in worksheet query.
Support Partial Row Import for  i importing Excel file.

Added the Read Columns and Skip Columns in CSV Import.

Support Undo for Import ASCII, CSV, and Excel.
To make Reimport and Clone Import more obvious, a new Import toolbar is created with more buttons.
Support Worksheet Cell Formula.


3D XYZ Colormap Surface supports colormapping from another column
3D XYZ Colormap Surface supports custom boundary
Define Reference Lines based on statistics or expression
Allow number of Major axis ticks to be 0.

Allow drag-and-drop to add dataset into the group of Stacked Column

Axis Break Supports Anti-Aliasing and Proportional Unit for Axis Break Positions

Make the Axis end look nice when zoomed in
Better Hint and Examples in Update Legend dialog
Bridge Chart/McKinsey-style waterfall
Change Filling color between Reference Lines with Alternate Fill
Column Gap control for Double Y Column Plot
Control Decimal Separator for Labels & Annotations at Graph Page Level
Control display of  masked data at graph page level
Ctrl+A Keyboard shortcut Selects All in Graph and Layout window
Customization symbol on left side of legend box
Define the region to export or copy page
Different ways to wrap tick labels
Distribute selected layers/graphic objects horizontally or vertically
Double Y Box Chart
Drag on graph to move light source
Easier way to turn on and off active dataset indicator (red frame) in Legend
Graph Theme support for Anti-Aliasing
GUI to Customize Symbols in Legend
Improve Preview for patterns and filled colors
Improvement to data labeling at specified Indices only
Interactively pick data points from graph
Keep Scale in mode until pressing ESC
Make new Layer Content dialog easy to use
A system variable added to control space before unit separator
Plot multiple line with colors mapped to a palette and show color scale in legend
Show Total Label on Stacked Column/Bar
Show reference line in Trellis plot
Simplify Categorical Values Legend Dialog
Support Arrow at axis begin and end in 2D graphs
Support Label for 2D Vector Plot
Support leader line for Pie chart label
Support Lighting effect for 3D walls plot

Support no smoothing when set custom boundary for XYZ contour

Support not plotting filtered rows for text axis
Support Reference Line for Polar(and other special plot types)
Symbol like legend for customized single point in line plot and line+symbol plot
Symbol size increments for each plot in group
Use Cluster tool to easily change part of plot to a different color
Use One Legend Type Only and Auto Update

Installation and Licensing

The Product Key for Origin 2018 will be automatically pre-filled with the one from the Origin 2017 installation. Just click Activate button once to activate Origin 2018. 
Origin auto-saves the current OPJ/OPJU file every 12 minutes by default and if Origin crashes, it will restart with last Autosaved OPJ/OPJU loaded.

User Files\AutoSave\Unsaved\License folders are no longer put into Origin version-specific subfolders making migration to future versions of Origin much easier.

MOCA files are not shipped together with Origin 2018. Contact us if you need to build your MOCA DLL.
When opening an opj/opju which version is higher than your Origin, a smart hint will show.
When launching Origin 2018 for the 1st time, a messagebox will ask whether to copy over Origin 2017 workspace and toolbar layout. It can be reactivated by View: Toolbars > Reinitialize button.
When launching Origin 2018 for the 1st time, a message box will ask whether to transfer User Files from Origin 2017. Alternatively, it can be done by Tools: Transfer User Files... later. 


Access to the Character Map in Worksheet cell edit mode
New App Center dialog
Context menu to Hide Color List/Palettes and Show All to restore
File: Export: As PDF File...menu added for worksheet
Graph Samples tab allows selecting a specific Plot Type category as well as keyword searching
View images in worksheet cells as enlarged popups when running mouse over the cell
Increase the Maximum Undo times to 100.
Improve Find and Find in Files in Code Builder
Reminder Message about saving OPJ as OPJU
Remove the "Yes-No" confirmation dialog about saving changes to "Tools: Options"
Tooltip Improvements on Color related toolbars


Provide format option to convert variables in OriginC to string in html
Change the z-index of controls
HTML dialog support IE version checking
Show icon in the title bar of app dialog
Better LabTalk access to plotting X-functions
Diff() function supports padding in the begin or end of range
LabTalk Command to convert OriginC and CPP files to become OCZ for distribution
LabTalk Function for Data Range of Plot
LabTalk Save command updated to support new file format
New X-Function wcellfmt added to set format of selected worksheet cells
Option to let graph source always plot all Y columns in worksheet
LabTalk and OriginC  string functions can now operate on UTF-8 encoded strings
Add rgb calculation functions to OriginC
Additional dialog-related Win API functions
Code Builder Should Handle UTF-8 files
CreateGraphObject() provides an option to replace existing
DynaControl to Allow Multiple Controls in One Row
OriginC to provide access to LabTalk LT properties on Origin Object
Origin C compiler Must Handle UTF-8 Source Files
Provide function to get the short description name of DataRange

Origin 2018 Bug Fixes


Data Handling


Installation and Licensing




Refine by Type


Refine by Category