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OriginLab Corporation - Data Analysis and Graphing Software - 2D graphs, 3D graphs, Contour Plots, Statistical Charts, Data Exploration, Statistics, Curve Fitting, Signal Processing, and Peak Analysis      

Academic Licensing: Laboratory Teaching

We are dedicated to supporting the academic community. Explore our flexible and cost-effective licensing options.


For student instruction within a laboratory

Licensing Option:
Node-locked (fixed-seat, computer-specific) or
Concurrent Network (Floating)


Laboratory Teaching License Package

Students: OriginPro - Student Version - Annual Subscription

  • Includes an annual OriginPro subscription to be used by the Instructor
  • Time-limited to one year
  • Renewal can be synchronized with semester schedule
  • Student Version has a 30 window limitation

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  • Available in US and Canada only.
  • Request for a Laboratory Teaching License must come from a Faculty member and include a copy of the course syllabus (or a detailed description of how students will use the software in a laboratory environment).
  • Instructor is expected to provide feedback at the end of the license, and allow OriginLab to list the course on our website. 
  • Licenses to be used for the purpose of teaching students within a laboratory course and not for research. Please visit our Academic License page for other license types. 



Origin and OriginPro system requirements

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