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OriginLab Corporation - Data Analysis and Graphing Software - 2D graphs, 3D graphs, Contour Plots, Statistical Charts, Data Exploration, Statistics, Curve Fitting, Signal Processing, and Peak Analysis      

Data Connector

Data Connectors enhance a user's ability to import and connect to various data sources.

  • Connect to a web file, a file on your local PC or network, or cloud, or a database
  • Data is not saved in project, resulting in small project file size
  • Make changes to source or to data selection at any time
  • Graphs and analysis results will be updated with re-import of data
  • Connect to multiple CSV, Excel or MATLAB files at one time.
  • Data Navigator panel is automatically added to the workbook when connecting to multi-page files such as Excel, MATLAB or Origin Projects.

File Types Supported

Data connectors are supported for several file types, and we will keep adding support for more file types in the future. Please visit for the most up-to-date list

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