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Object identification and measurement on image.

Screen Shot and Video:

  • Purpose
    This app is capable of identifying the objects on image, together of measuring their characterics.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Image Object Counter.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    Click the app icon to start this app by opening a dialog. Then load an image as source image (If the active window is image window, this active image is used as the source image for analysis.), and then insert operations by using the menu. You can also save or load the operations to or from a file. And after getting the target objects on image, you can output the measurement results of these objects.

Dialog Settings:

  • Operations Panel: This panel is used to handle the operations performed on the image to find objects.
    • Insert: Insert an operation after the selected operation in the list. When clicking this button, a menu shows up for inserting operation. Available operations include Source, Gray, Count Objects, Output Quantities, Threshold, Gaussian Blur, Gaussian Mixture Model, Canny Edge, Filter Edges By Length, Morphology, Fill Hole By Morphology, Filter Objects By Area, Filter Objects By Circularity, Filter Objects By Solidity, and Separate Objects By Watershed.
    • Remove: Remove selected operation from the operation list. Source, Gray, Count Objects and Output Quantities are fixed and cannot be removed.
    • Load Settings from File: Load operations from a file.
    • Save Settings to File: Save the current operation list to a file, so for use next time.
    • Save Settings to Image: Save operations to image window, so next time open this dialog with that image window active, the saved operations will be loaded automatically.
  • Preview Panel: Show the preview for the result at the selected operation.
    • The three button on the top right corner of this panel are used for zooming in, zooming out and fit the image respectively. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out the preview.
  • Source Panel: Available when Source operation is selected. This panel is for loading the source image to perform object identification and measurement.
  • Gray Panel: Available when Gray operation is selected.
  • Threshold Panel: Available when Threshold operation is selected.
    • Threshold Flag: Options include Otsu, Triangle and Custom.
      • Otsu: Use Otsu algorithm to choose the optimal threshold value.
      • Triangle: Use Triangle algorithm to choose the optimal threshold value.
      • Custom: Customize the threshold value.
    • Threshold Value: Specify the threshold value, available when Threshold Flag is Custom.
    • Max Value: Specify the value to replace the pixels that are bigger than threshold value.
    • Threshold Type: Options include Binary, Binary Inverted, Truncate, To Zero, To Zero Inverted.
      • Binary: Set the pixels where are bigger than threshold value to Max Value, and other pixels to 0.
      • Binary Inverted: Set the pixels where are bigger than threshold value to 0, and other pixels to Max Value.
      • Truncate: Set the pixels where are bigger than threshold value to Max Value, and other pixels keep their original value.
      • To Zero: Keep the pixels where are bigger than threshold value to their original value, and other pixels to 0.
      • To Zero Inverted: Set the pixels where are bigger than threshold value to 0, and other pixels keep their original value.
  • Gaussian Blur Panel: Available when Gaussian Blur operation is selected.
    • Kernel Width: Gaussian kernel width, can be positive and odd.
    • Kernel Height: Gaussian kernel height, can be positive and odd.
    • Sigma X: Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.
    • Sigma Y: Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction. If 0, it is use the same value of Sigma X.
  • Gaussian Mixture Model Panel: Available when Gaussian Mixture Model operation is selected.
    • Object Classes Number (2-5): Specify number of object classes.
    • Interested Class (2-5): Specify the interested class.
  • Canny Edge Panel: Available when Canny Edge operation is selected.
    • First Threshold for Hysteresis: The first threshold for the hysteresis procedure.
    • Second Threshold for Hysteresis: The second threshold for the hysteresis procedure.
    • Aperture Size for Sobel: Aperture size for the Sobel operator.
    • L2 Gradient: Whether to use L2 norm to calculate the image gradient magnitude. If false, the default L1 norm is used.
  • Filter Edges By Length Panel: Available when Filter Edges By Length operation is selected.
    • Filter Type: Options include Greater Than, Less Than, Between And, Not Between And.
      • Greater Than: Keep the edges with length greater than Threshold Value.
      • Less Than: Keep the edges with length less than Threshold Value.
      • Between And: Keep the edges with length between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
      • Not Between And: Drop the edges with length between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
    • Threshold Value: Specify the threshold value for edge filter, available when Filter Type is Greater Than or Less Than.
    • Lower Bound: Specify the lower bound value for edge filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
    • Upper Bound: Specify the upper bound value for edge filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
  • Morphology Panel: Available when Morphology operation is selected.
    • Morphology Type: Options include Erode, Dilate, Open, Close, Gradient, Top Hat, Black Hat.
      • Erode: Erode an image using a specific structuring element.
      • Dilate: Dilate an image using a specific structuring element.
      • Open: Open = Dilate(Erode(source, element)).
      • Close: Close = Erode(Dilate(source, element)).
      • Gradient: Gradient = Dilate(source, element) - Erode(source, element).
      • Top Hat: Top Hat = source - Open(source, element).
      • Black Hat: Black Hat = Close(source, element) - source.
    • Structuring Element Shape: Rectangle, Cross, Ellipse.
      • Rectangle: Rectangular structuring element.
      • Cross: Cross-shaped structuring element.
      • Ellipse: Elliptic structuring element.
    • Structuring Element Width: Specify the width of structuring element.
    • Structuring Element Height: Specify the height of structuring element.
  • Fill Hole By Morphology Panel: Available when Fill Hole By Morphology operation is selected.
  • Filter Objects By Area Panel: Available when Filter Objects By Area operation is selected.
    • Filter Type: Options include Greater Than, Less Than, Between And, Not Between And.
      • Greater Than: Keep the objects with area greater than Threshold Value.
      • Less Than: Keep the objects with area less than Threshold Value.
      • Between And: Keep the objects with area between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
      • Not Between And: Drop the objects with area between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
    • Threshold Value: Specify the threshold value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Greater Than or Less Than.
    • Lower Bound: Specify the lower bound value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
    • Upper Bound: Specify the upper bound value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
  • Filter Objects By Circularity Panel: Available when Filter Objects By Circularity operation is selected.
    • Filter Type: Options include Greater Than, Less Than, Between And, Not Between And.
      • Greater Than: Keep the objects with circularity greater than Threshold Value.
      • Less Than: Keep the objects with circularity less than Threshold Value.
      • Between And: Keep the objects with circularity between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
      • Not Between And: Drop the objects with circularity between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
    • Threshold Value: Specify the threshold value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Greater Than or Less Than.
    • Lower Bound: Specify the lower bound value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
    • Upper Bound: Specify the upper bound value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
  • Filter Objects By Solidity Panel: Available when Filter Objects By Solidity operation is selected.
    • Filter Type: Options include Greater Than, Less Than, Between And, Not Between And.
      • Greater Than: Keep the objects with solidity greater than Threshold Value.
      • Less Than: Keep the objects with solidity less than Threshold Value.
      • Between And: Keep the objects with solidity between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
      • Not Between And: Drop the objects with solidity between Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
    • Threshold Value: Specify the threshold value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Greater Than or Less Than.
    • Lower Bound: Specify the lower bound value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
    • Upper Bound: Specify the upper bound value for object filter, available when Filter Type is Between And or Not Between And.
  • Separate Objects By Watershed Panel: Available when Separate Objects By Watershed operation is selected.
    • Distance Transform Mask Size: 3, 5, >5. Specify size of the distance transform mask.
    • Threshold Value: Specify the threshold value for performing binary threshold.
    • Max Value: Specify the value to replace the pixels that are bigger than threshold value.
  • Count Objects Panel: Available when Count Objects operation is selected.
    • Show Marker Label: Specify if to show the label of marker.
    • Object Marker Color: Specify the line color of the object marker.
    • Object Border Width: Specify the width of the object marker.
    • Number of Found Objects: Show the number of found objects.
  • Output Quantities Panel: Available when Output Quantities operation is selected. Output options include Index, Convex Area, Extent, Centroid, Eccentricity, Orientation, Area, Perimeter, Major Axis Length, Bounding Rect, Equivalent Diameter, Minor Axis Length, Solidity, Circularity.
  • Output Image: If this checkbox is checked, when clicking Output Results button, it will create an image with the result objects drawn on image.
  • Set Scale: Open the Set Scale dialog for setting scale of the source image.
  • Output Results: Output the results of the found objects.
  • Close: Close dialog.


2022-1-4, v16, add support for tif (tiff) format
2021-10-28, v1.5, support for pixel count of object, fixed major and minor axis calculation issue
2020-07-30, v1.4, support image from matrix object
2019-10-14, v1.3, support for setting scale
2018-11-22, v1.2, fixed bug for bounding rectangle calculation
2018-10-30, v1.1, fixed bug for filtering edges by length

Reviews and Comments:
01/05/2022OriginLabHi mingear,
This App is updated to a new version. It supports for tif (tiff) format.
You can download a new one and try it.

01/02/2022mingearA handy tool. Should be advertised/featured more. The input source should accept .tif files though.

01/02/2022mingearA handy tool. Should be advertised/featured more. The input source should accept .tif files though.

01/02/2022mingearA handy tool. Should be advertised/featured more. The input source should accept .tif files though.