1.4 Plot Sub Matrix


This Plot Sub Matrix app is used to interactively examine selected sub range of a matrix as a 3D surface, contour or image plot.


  1. Download this Plot_Sub_Matrix_App.zip file. Open the PlotSubMatrix.opju in this zip file.
  2. Active the Excitation Emisison Map matrix, and click the Plot Sub Matrix icon Plot Sub Matrix icon.png in the Apps Gallery, then an ROI object will be added to the matrix.
    Plot Sub Matrix 01.png
  3. Resize and position the ROI as desired.
    Plot Sub Matrix 02.png
  4. Press the triangle button at the upper right corner of the ROI box, and choose 3D Color Map Surface. A separate graph window will open with a 3D Surface plot of the selected sub range.
    Plot Sub Matrix 03.png
  5. Move or resize ROI object. The graph will automatically update.
    Plot Sub Matrix 04.png
  6. Active the matrix, and click the Plot Sub Matrix icon Plot Sub Matrix icon.png again, then a new ROI object is added.
    Plot Sub Matrix 05.png
  7. Click "x" button to close the ROI box. The plot will not be deleted when ROI is closed.