1.39 Extract XY Data from Graph


The Extract XY Data from Graph app can be used to extract XY data including meta data from all curves in the current graph.


  1. Start this tutorial with the app Extract XY Data from Graph installed. If you have not installed this app, please click Add Apps button in Apps Gallery to open App Center to search and install the app.
  2. New a workbook. Import the sample data <Origin Program Folder>\Samples\Spectroscopy\Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra.dat.
    Extract XY Data from Graph 01.png
  3. Plot these two columns as a Line+Scatter graph.
    Extract XY Data from Graph 02.png
  4. Click the Scale In toolbar button Button Scale In.png, and then draw a rectangle with the cursor pressed to select a region to scale in.
    Extract XY Data from Graph 03.png
  5. With the graph window activated, click the app button of Extract XY Data from Graph to open the app dialog. Check the box Only Extract Visible Data in Current Layer to extract the data from the region we are interested in.
    Extract XY Data from Graph 04.png