The (Plot Details) Subset TabPD-Subset-tab
This tab is used to group the data points in one plot as multiple subsets. In a general 2D graph, the controls are same as the Subset group in Spacing tab.
2D General Graphs
Hierarchical Edge Bundling
2D General Graphs
With the Enable Subset radio box, you can control if the column should be divided into subsets.
Enable Subset
- None: Do NOT divide the columns into subsets.
- By Size: Divide the columns into subsets by a specifying the subset size. If Subset Size is set to 0, subset is not used.
- By Column: Divide the columns into subsets by categorical values in a worksheet column. Specify your worksheet column using the drop-down list.
Specify how to apply the increment list to the current plot when you have set Color as Increment From under By Points tab of Color Chooser.
- None: The increment list will be applied to the points regardless of the Enable Subset setting.
- Within Subset: The increment list will be applied to the points within each subset.
- Between Subset: The increment list will be applied between the subsets. All points in same subset will have same color.
Gap Between Subsets(%)
If Subset Size is not 0, you can specify the Gap Between Subsets (%) by either selecting a number from the drop-down list or you can enter a value directly. This is a percentage of the width of the columns/bars.
Line, Line + Symbol Plots
When the Line tab setting, Connect Within Subset is enabled (default), you can break a single line or line + symbol plot into subsets, by size (number of data points) or by column (categories).
Once you've broken the line into subsets, you can then modify line segments (subsets) individually. The following example shows setting the line Color (Line tab) to Increment from the first color (charcoal) in Origin's built-in Color4Line color list. The Symbol Color (Symbol tab) defaults to Auto, and follows line color. Thus, depending on the The (Plot Details) Subset tab Increment setting, colors from this list will be applied to elements in sequential fashion, from this color list.
_Subset_Tab/Tip_icon.png?v=9614) | Note that for this example, we have left Symbol Color as Auto but the color of this element can be customized just as the line color was. Indeed, any property -- symbol color, line style, line width, etc. -- can be set to increment through a customizable list. For instance, we could set line Style by our categorical Col(A) and in doing so, a customizable Line Style List tab would be added to Plot Details. See Using a Dataset to Control Plot Color and Using a Dataset to Control Plot Attributes.
Hierarchical Edge Bundling
Specify whether group the leaves as multiple subsets with a specified column. This control is same as Enable Subset=By Column in 2D general graphs.
Gap Between Subsets (%)
Specify the gap between two adjacent subsets by either selecting a number from the drop-down list or you can enter a value directly. This is a percentage of angular length/number of subsets.