The (Plot Details) Node TabPD-Node-tab
The Node tab will appear in Plot Details dialog when you plot a Chord Diagram, Chord Diagram with Ratio Layout, Alluvial diagram, Sankey diagram , Sankey Map diagram or Hierarchical Edge Bundling Diagram.
You can use the controls below to customize the appearance of the nodes.
Sankey Map
Hierarchical Edge Bundling
Display the Nodes
Specify which kind of Nodes to be shown for Sankey and Sankey Map. You are allowed to specify showing Start Nodes, End Nodes, Start&End Nodes, Intermidate Nodes or All Nodes.
For Sankay, the nodes will be shown as rectangles; For Sankey Map, the nodes will be shown as bubble nodes. Bubble size is decided by the maximum of the in and out weighting of each node, and bases on bubble area.
When node is bubble, links connect to the borders of bubbles. If the links have arrows, the arrow center will be on the border of bubbles.
Scaling Factor
For Sankey Map, once you selected any nodes shown, you can use the control to adjust the circle size for the Nodes. Scaling factor value is mean size of bubble in the point unit, and default value is 10.
Border Color
Specify the color of the border of nodes using the color chooser.
Border Thickness
Specify the border thickness for the nodes.
Fill Color
Specify the fill color for the nodes using the color chooser.
Show In&Out Pie Chart for Node
For a sankey map chart, you can use this check box to show the nodes as pie charts which indicate In and Out percentage of each node. Node size bases on total value of each node; First two colors assigned by Fill Color will be used to fill the In and Out part in pie charts.
Node Width(%)
For Sankey and Alluvial diagram, you can use this option to specify the width of the rectangle nodes. The value is the percentage based on the layer width, but the total width of the nodes should be less than 50% of the layer width.
For Chord diagram, you can use this option to specify the width of the annular nodes in the radial direction. The value is the percentage based on the outer circle, but the total width of the nodes should be less than 50% of the radial of outer circle.
Transparency for Fill Only
Set the color transparency for the fill color of nodes.
Node Order by
Specify whether order the nodes at each step and how to order the nodes.
- None: Default way. The node order is decided by the order of data, or categorical order.
- Name: Order the nodes in alphabetical order
- Frequency: Order the nodes by frequency of node in column
Once you select Name or Frequency from this drop-down list, Ascending/Descending ratio box will appear to let you decide whether order the nodes ascendingly or descendingly.
This control is similar with the Node Order by for Chord diagram which is in the Layout tab of Plot Details dialog.
Adjust the Gaps/Offset
The diagram below shows you what the gaps are in the Sankey and Alluvial diagram.
The diagram below shows you what the gaps are in the Chord diagram.
Gap Between Nodes(%)
Specify the gap between the nodes of same plot.
For Sankey and Alluvial diagram, the value is the percentage based on the layer height, and all gaps at one plot should be less then 90% of the layer height.
For Chord diagram, the value is the percentage based on the length of circumference, and all gaps at one plot should be less then 90% of the circumference.
Gap Between Node and Link(%)
For Sankey and Alluvial diagram, specify the gap width between the node and the start/end of the link line. Please note, this gap value is associated to the Node Width(%) above:
Node Width(%)* N + Gap Between Node and Link(%) *(N-1)*2 = 100
Link to Text Frame
For Sankey and Sankey Map, when Show is set to None, the node labels will show inside the nodes, links always run into labels. Check this Link to Text Frame checkbox, the links will start from or end at text frame of node labels.
Note this checkbox only work when there is no node shown or the label position is inside node.
Gap Between Node and Link Start/End(%)
Different from Alluvial and Sankey, Chord diagram supports to adjust the gap between node and link start/link End separately.
Please note, this gap value is associated to the Node Width(%) above:
Node Width(%) + Gap Between Node and Link Start/End(%) < Radius(%)
For a Hierarchical Edge Bundling diagram, you can adjust the offset of the nodes from the endpoints of connect lines. If Offset =0, the inner edge of the node is at same point of line endpoint.
This control is associated with the Offset control of bubbles and it is percentage of the radius.
This control group is only available for Sankey diagram, used to specify how to show arrows on the nodes.
Show Arrow for
Specify whether show arrows for nodes and decide to show the arrows on which nodes, Start Nodes, End Nodes, Start&End Nodes, Intermediate Nodes or All Nodes.
Arrow Shape
Specify the arrow shape for the nodes.
Specify the angle of the arrow head, by degree. The maximum value of the angle is 180, which means the flat angle.
Angle Scale Factor
Specify a factor which is larger than 1 to extend the height of all nodes which has bee show as arrows for both start and end nodes.
This control group is only available for Sankey diagram, used to customize the position of the nodes.
Specify how to align the nodes between the different plots:
- Left: Nodes without any input are moved as "node depth"=0(at leftmost), then all next nodes are decided accordingly.
- right: Nodes without any output are moved as maximum depth(at rightmost), then all previous nodes are decided accordingly.
- Center: All next nodes are decided by left node, but nodes without any input are moved as "node depth"= "minimum depth of output" - 1, nodes without any output are moved as "node depth" = "maximum depth of input" + 1
- Justify: All next nodes are decided by left node, but nodes without any input are moved as "node depth" = 0, nodes without any output are moved as the maximum depth.
Order by Data
Sort the nodes in each plot Vertically according to the order in the source data.
Enable Horizontal/Vertical Movement
Specify whether allows user to move the nodes horizontally or/and Vertically