Origin 2022 Features

License and Installation

When concurrent user tries to open App Center to download Apps, they are asked to register the Origin product on our website first

Copy opx file to \Users File Folder\Auto Install\ Folder for group client PC


Allow setting the percentile range of the probability plot/weibull fit/distribution fit

Add Significance level for F-test in Compare Datasets and Compare Models tools

Use the double compare relative error for data summarization in concatenate fit

Some improvements on names and meanings of built-in functions.

Make it more obvious and allow copying function info.

Cosmetic changes of ROC Curve

Show Select menu to easily change plot

Add Gaussian and Kaiser window function for x-function FFT1 and IFFT1

After fit in PA, now support X Data Points for Individual Peak option in PA’s recalculation to make the individual peak curve more smooth

Two sample t-Test On Rows supports "Equal Variance not Assumed"

Data Handling

Added N42 Connector to import N42 files.

Connector re-import will remember the action “Extract Units from Long Name“.

Auto complete for Functions and Named Ranges in Formula bar, Data Cell, User-Defined parameter label cell, and Formula box in Set Values dialog.

Click anywhere in image to show mini toolbar with basic operations: Add ROI, Actual Size, Flip, Rotate, Convert to Gray and Stack Navigation.

Please note that Stack Navigation is only available for video and multi-frame image like gif.

Import or copy image into Graph using new image window

Right click on ROI and choose Clear menu to clear data in ROI.

Some improvements in Connect to web.

Right click on image with common operations

Improvements on output worksheet to make it easier to read, also supports converting multiple matrix objects into XYZZZ… columns and color matrix converting to worksheet.

convert to new CV image when double click old BMP image in graph or object manager

Open and image then choose Image: Plot Image main menu to use image as new graph’s background.

User can crop image and if the image is inserted to graph window, user can clip to only show region of interest in graph

CSV Connector supports auto detect “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,###” date format.

Copy image window then paste to the other places. The pastes image’s data type should be same as source graph’s.

Connect to files on google drive or onedirve.

Image outside ROI box is dimmed to highlight the region of interest

Add Copy To menu in matrix image thumbnail’s context menu. It could copy matrix object to new sheet/book.

New image window will be used to edit images inserted in graph, worksheet and layout window

After crop, rotate, flip, etc. on image window, user can export the image.

Image file info. saved in image window for link, reimport, etc.

Convert image to matrix, merge to color image or split color image.

Image’s linked file path will show on the status bar. Right click Image and choose Source File Path context menu to update image.

New a image window then click the Zoom button on Standard toolbar to set the zoom level.

It supports transfer image to Graph. After inserting Image From Image window. right click on Image and choose Embed Image to Graph.

Supports importing multiple image files into one image window.

CSV Connector support auto detect German thousand separator and decimal.

Improvements on the little Find tool such as find previous & next, minimize the dialog to make changes in worksheet

Add Include Label Rows option when using wreplace X-Function to find and replace cell values

Use Information and Navigation for basic info. reading and navigation.

Improve the experience of inserting image file to graph

Choose Insert: Image from Image Window… to choose images in new Image window into graph.

Add Copy as Image button on worksheet cell’s mini toolbar. It could copy the inserted image in a cell. And Ctrl+C should also work.

Use new way to insert image

Insert the GIF type image file to graph or worksheet cell and shows all frames in the file.

Choose menu File: New: Image/Video to open a video file, press Shift + Arrow or Shift + Ctrl + Arrow to switch frames.

Define Name…(Ctrl+L) button is added on matrix’s mini toolbar.

Easier way to get matrix statistics in region of interest

Support Column and Row Factor for the Analysis: Signal Processing: Smooth tool

Cut and clear entire image, copy image within ROI and paste to another image window, clear ROI object in image window

Added LT img.GrayMax for new image window to set the maximum value of palette.

Add Labtalk command to convert ROI back to Rectangle/Circle/Polygon object.

Assign Names to cell(s), column, matrix object for later use in calculations:

Introduce a new tool to join two worksheets by column more convenient.

Database import using ODBC support image now.

Supports import and export polypolygon type ROI in Matrix.

Use mini toolbar or Labtalk command for palette

When appending worksheets rowwise or join worksheet by labels, support putting Dataset Identifier in front of data columns

Resize image support

For image with known scale, use Set Coordinate dialog to set the left, right, top bottom coodinates and unit

Set Image File in Graph/Layout to be a linked file to save project file size

Set image scale based on scale marker in image

Stack columns with common label from all sheets

Improved info. on Status bar

Support open images in Real32 and Bit16.

Support sorting worksheet by categorical order.

Drag and drop image file into Origin workspace. New image window will be used by default.

Better default and easier way to edit ROI position.

Added Main header ends with node under Main header lines for CSV Connector, available only when Auto is unchecked.

Insert Note in Worksheet Cell

Support mini toolbar for empty cell.

Add Apply Whole Image Scale to Graph context menu for images inserted as layer background.


Support Maximum as Base Plane

When source or target node is flipped or rotate=180, special point link would show Bend Link after Node(%) in Link tab. Default is 50.

Add Copy as Text under Copy in Legend’s context menu

Support all system template in Template Library, check System checkbox, all system template will show, select one and click Plot menu to plot.

Resize and reposition windows to make it display the same layout in workspace in different resolution and DPI by system variable @SRWS

Support Deleting Extend Template from Template Library and New Book dialog

Add option Arrow Offset in Plot Detail dialog’s Drop Lines tab, unit is point(same as symbol size)

Show Centroid of plot and connect data points to it

Easier way to plot grouped line+symbol plots

Add control in Plot Detail’s Label tab: Align with Contour Line and Curve Tolerance.

Contour profile/Image profile line and text label more control

Add control in Plot Detail’s Label tab: Repeat Labels checkbox and Distance Between Labels(%)

For images inserted in graph/layout, user can either crop or clip to only show region of interest in image

Make it easy to customize page gridding to easily arrange layers and objects in graph and layout window

Use default symbol size for data plot legend in bubble plot

Improvements on exporting embedded graphs and sending embedded graphs to powerpoint naming syntax to allow using graph sheet name, etc.

Improve the ease of use of Set Margin Offset in Graph

More than 40 extended graph templates are added to extend Origin’s graph capabilities

Eyedropper under Custom group of color control to pick color on screen

Set Fill pattern on Patterns tab of Plot Details dialog

If plotting two curves in radar plot, user can fill from one plot to next with one color or two colors

Support gradient fill for Rectangle, Circle, Polygon and Region tool.

Draw Data tool and Data: Graph Annotator… will use this new tool to pick screen points in graph

Improvements on editing images in graph with new image window

Insert: Function Plot will open Create Function Plot dialog to add multiple function plots to current graph window

Add checkbox Extend Inside Border for each table row under Inside Border, in Axis dialog's table tab.

Support World Map on range (0 360) and add Europe Map

Support inserting SVG image to graph

Changes made to Page tab of Options dialog, and to Edit menu.

Click border of legend in 3D graphs same as the one in 2D graphs

Check matrix units to set isometric, increase speed mode

Get auto page size according to graph size and graph arrangement like Merge Graph to Layout. And after the change, merge graph dialog could align layer frame properly.

Support mini toolbar for reference lines and fill of reference lines

Mini toolbar to create sub sheet, delete points, mask/unmask highlighted points, and mask/unmask dimmed points.

Support Add Secondary Axis button in Axes mini toolbar to make Double-X plot easier

Add Middle - Above, Middle - Below option for axis reference line’s label position

User can fill area under a curve to specified plot or any axis or specified straight line. T

More image type plus actual size and dpi settings

Previously, there was a limitation on the maximum number of points that could be smoothed in a contour plot or 3D surface plot. A new NAG function e02jdc (dim2_?spline_?ts_?sctr) increases the number of smoothable points.

Support offset points in polar coordinate to be along angular and radial direction.

Paste PNG to Origin Graphs, by default "keep aspect ratio" will be checked.

Pie chart on Map

Make multi-panel graph by number of X columns

Use Open Sample button to open sample project for system and extended templates

It’s like histogram of each column of data with some Y offset or a horizontal half violin plots

Tick Labels for Color Scale was always left-aligned automatically in the past.

Add a checkbox Step-Horz Connect with a editbox under Curvature

User-defined symbol improvements

Select multiple plots in graph window to edit together

Redesign the tooltip for all templates under main Plot menu to how to arrange data for each graph template. Add basic instructions on some graph templates

When draw a graph object like Line, click it and show dx and dy info. on status bar (bottom right corner of Origin)

Use Object Manger to turn on/off graphic object and change its drawing order

Mini toolbar based on selection in Object Manager

New simplified dialog to change graph to mxn layers

More Spacing units are added in Merge Graphs and Layer Management dialogs

Standardize Variables for K-Means Cluster Analysis and Support Cluster plot for K-Means Cluster Analysis

Plot Multi-X+Y data, e.g. XXY, XXXY, … data into sunburst plot

Support show data point tooltip for 3D Scatter, XYZ Bar, XYY Bar plot

All graph objects can be easily selected in Object Manager, and do further setting like group, align or move the graph object to change its order.

Make it easy to add recession bar by pairwise start and end x value of each region

New Graph template Grouped Floating Bar allowing setting space between groups of floating bars/columns.

In Ridgeline Chart, we support Y value colormap fill. We could support it too for violin plot.

Wrap text and drag to resize each tick table row height

This is special for Japanese and Chinese characters.

Now Origin support Y value Colormap for single plot.


Support add Graph/Image with Graph/Image dialog

Add HTML Report as sheet will show HTML* as default name and syntax is HTML

Improvements of how to attach files to Origin Project File

The performance of Box Chart, Violin Plot, Histogram has been improved.

The performance of saving project with embedded EMF image cells has been improved a lot.

Improve remove gridline for catesian axis for digitizer tool

Resave all pre-shipped VI sample files with Labview 2020 SP1.

Add Return to Last Window to more context menus

Origin 2022 Shows different hint messages at 2 cases for AutoHide pin in Project Explorer/Messages Log and so on

If an origin tool has already been assigned hotkey by default, then user can not further change accelerator by UFF origin.ini. such as CTRL+Y is always for NLFit dialog.

Add pre-defined variables _i1 and _i2 to modify row range in Batch Process

support open Template Center directly from Template Library and New Book dialog to download Graph/Book Template

Note: Template Center is not ready yet.

  1. Add option to create package.ini from app in code builder

  2. Support make opx from package.ini

  3. Add more app info control in Package Manager dialog

  1. Update name of grid spacing settings in Options dialog

  2. Remove Page grid control from Options dialog


Support add basic scatter plot to the graph layer that has a bubble plot.

A new command is added to remove all formula and keep only static results so user can easily release a project to a 3rd party.

Added following functions:

op.Connector(self, wks, dctype = '', keep_DC=True)
dc.source(self)/dc.source(self, s)
dc.new_sheet(self, name)
dc.imp(self, fname='', sel='', sparks=False)

Pass “UTF16” for comment to keep the encode as “UTF16“.

For example:

okutil_write_file_section(strIni, "Test", strContent, “UTF16”);

Using Color function to pick color from built-in or user-defined color list or palette

Added a new save method to page object to save workbook.

LET function suppports vector variable as argument.

Added new switch to access Transparency for Fill Only and Follow Line Transparency option in Line, Column plot.

LabTalk command to add/delete ROI object for both matrix and image layer.

Added a new property to wks object to count user-defined parameters.

#Pop up Parameters dialog during fitting

#Set Parameter value
model.set_param(self, p, val)

Added three OC functions to handle image.

Improved/added some Python functions for image analysis.

Added a bit CREATE_MINIMIZED to Page::Create function to support creating page as minimized.

Support OC way to get GraphObject from Range String.

Added following functions to WSheet class.

merge_label(self, type_ = 'L', unmerge=False)
del_col(self, c1, nc=1)
cell(self, row, col)

Improved originpro and OriginExt packages to support Python 3.10.x

  1. Pixel Profile for image with multiple frames or matrix with multiple objects.

  2. Horizontal, Vertical and Arbitrary Line Profile for image with multiple frames or matrix with multiple objects.


  2. use @DLWG=1 to turn on this macro for delete action(win -c, OPJ Examiner app).

note: @DLWG=1 will not work for deleting graph by X button or delete key.

1.Added IPage class, and add following functions:

1.1,Added following functions to originpro.

new_image(lname='', hidden=False)

1.2,Added following functions to IPage class.

from_np(self, arr)

1.3,Added following function to Page class.


1.4.Support adding 2D symbol and line plot to Image window.

dp = im.layer.addplot(...)

Built-in Python Packages Manager support uses Proxy Server

Added op.detach() to detach Origin working with interactive python.

Add two functions into Class OSQLite to support output query result to vector data.

int GetFieldDataByName(vector<string>* pvsData, vector<double>* pvdData, LPCSTR lpcszField);
int GetFieldDataByIndex(vector<string>* pvsData, vector<double>* pvdData, int iField);

Added a new property to layer.plot object to control the Anti-Aliasing in plot level.

Added a new Control keyword …Path2 to decide the Folder Browser style.

If only Page is specified, it can be resloved to all layers in the page for range input.

Origin 2022 Bug Fixes

License and Installation


Data Handling




Origin 2022 Known Issues

Data Handling





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