Origin 2021b Features


Cluster gadgets supports using Draw arbitrary shaped ROI box. Hotkey C to create category.

Duplicate the selected operation and change parameters to easily do comparison

Fitting Function Library App icon added to Fitting Function Search.

Option to output gadget result to clipboard so user can paste to other applications, etc.

The performance of fitting with Integral function has been imporved.

run pa in a loop with smode:=2 allows adjusting the analysis settings for each dataset.

Support defined fitting function using Python in Fitting Function Builder and Fitting Function Organizer

Add new X-functions for fitting via Labtalk: nlbeginor, nlbegino.

improve progress bar to make it more reasonable and easy to use

It shows next to Recalculation button on Standard toolbar

Origin support multiple instances when do batch PA since Origin2021b,the speed is significant improved.

Fitting Functions based on Python code can be used in Peak Analyzer.

Output the Y maximum (with baseline) for each found peak

Analysis result not output to result log by default

Add Legend context menu to turn on legend info. in vertical cursor

Data Handling

When specify input range for some tools, a new context menu Dynamic Ends is added to fill range with 0 notation, which means dynamic end and allows keeping the operation when input column is removed or added.

A new option No Extrapolation outside Boundary (default unchecked) is added to trim data for non-rectangular data.

Use Book long name as dataset identifier and option to Append to End of Each Column

Support increasing sheet number when auto fill by introduce multiple equal sign with string concatenate.

Turn on grid lines in printout by default. Add Print Setup button in Print Preview dialog

Mini toolbar is added to clear data above the selected cell, range or row

Copy & paste ROI positions and save and load ROI position for future use

Create matrix sheet copy of data or extract XYZ data inside ROI

Create ROI objects from XY data, including XY data from shapefile

Improvements includes sparkline, column plot designation, book long name, file with unicode fullwidth code for characters

ROI color, pattern and fill customization and ROI Position dialog for rectangle ROI

Added MSRawFile Connector to support importing .RAW file format from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Improve the usage for Data Filter when handling Date data.

Added a new menu item Reset Post Import Actions to Data Connector menu.

Add X-Function nccopy to decompress NetCDF file.

Several new functions have been added in this version to further facilitate worksheet calculations:

Support Partial Import for Excel Connector.

Export Image stack in matrix as GIF, TIFF and AVI video.

Support <PE Path> in Export Worksheet

Extend the limitation from 240 to 548 which is 1.5 year now.

If units are included in long name label row by (), [], and separators, user can use this tool to extract units.

Construct menu or new matrix based on template

Freeze beginning columns or rows so they always show

Generate XY Grid matrices of a matrix.

The image plot should use the same colormap, zscale and missing value color as the matrix image mode

Options include partial import, data averaging, longitude shift, latitude flip, data conversion, subregions

Import the performance when worksheet contains many hidden columns.

Detect and automatically convert climate-based data in NetCDF files

Get Intensity profile of active ROI or all ROIs on all matrices in sheet

SQLite import and export is now available in Origin. Users can import SQLite files using the Database Connector, and easily export/update worksheets as tables in a SQLite database file.

Improved handling for locating *.PY file associated with import filters. Support multiple sheets for Import Filter Connector.

Improved the handling of files with irregular dates, e.g. some dates missing, etc.

linear fit each pixel across all matrices in sheet

New option is introduced and implemented in the Comments edit box of Name and Comments dialog.

Added a system variable @MLAM=64 for MATLAB Connector to specify maximum number of elements in various arrays to show in Data Connector Browser and Data Navigator.

System variable @MPE is added. Default is 1 to auto expand matrix dimension when pasting data if there is only 1 matrix object.

Resize all matrices in sheet

Statistics on all matrices in sheet

Add a new menu item under View menu to show Views in Table list.

Set missing value color in image view, and specify a value to be treated as missing value in matrix

Paste Filter, Load Filter, Save Filter added

Cell formula can now use string variable and cell address.

Support multiple ROIs in matrix

3D Array should add into new Matrix. Worksheet Data Connector Browser can add 3D node

Add and connect sheet(s) in Data Navigator will use last settings for NetCDF Connector.

NetCDF Connector support data conversion after import.

Export NetCDf data from matrix stack via File: Export: NetCDF…

By defaults, all matrix objects from a NetCDF file share the same Z scale meaning that, when going from one matrix to the next, the colormap will be consistent.

Redesign of New Book dialog for workbook and matrix

Origin Connector supports connecting to OGW and OGWU file.

Support interpreting cell formula in Origin File connector.

Set palette for all matrix object by style toolbar

Partial Import for TDMS Connector

Pixel extraction from a point or reference column

Specify matrix labels by a worksheet column

Added Shapefile Connector to import Shapefile data.

Perform element-wise arithmetic on two matrices

Improve the speed of decompressing data and show pregress on status bar

Subtract matrices in sheet by another matrix

Copy multiple cells in F(x) label row is supported now.

Matlab Connector supports Matlab date time variable in newer version file(mat 7.3).

Double click corresponding name/comment, etc. to rename.

Long Name and Comment on the tooltip of matrix

Unlock Imported Data context menu is added to unlock imported data.

Useful for sheet with many matrices.

Auto delete object named as autodel after import.

When connect to web, wks.DC.Path$ will set to the temp absolute file path.

Add a new option Convert Range, and user can convert selected region only by choosing the Specified Ranges item.

Also, improve the trim missing value feature, so the whole XYZ point will be removed once there is missing value in any of them, X or Y or Z.


New button on graph page level Mini Toolbar triggers the active graph layer indicator.

Add By Points control for distribution curve colors. If user plot multiple distribution curve with overlapped panel, they could set color index to panel column.

Add None to Text Location drop-down list.

Add Scaling Factor control if plot’s line width is indexed to another column.

Save Additional information in Graph Template with @RBA=1

Add Arrow Shape, Arrow Width, Arrow Length option under Drop to for drop line of each direction, in Plot Detail dialog’s drop line tab.

Add batch plot with column offset mode for batch plotting

Using layer level mini toolbar to add statistics reference line for trellis plot, now the stats reference line in sub-panel means the stats of the corresponding sub-panel

Right click special point and choose Go to Book context menu

A number of improvements and new features were added to browser graphs

Add context menu: Text Color Follows Plot for axis title

Common Colormap is supported for Multi-layer contour graphs. Union scale range will be used for all layers.

We support plot properties by index, by name.

We can find min and max in current XY range

Hotkey to select contour line and better way to positon labels to avoid being cut off by layer boundary.

Context menu to copy data point coordinates in graph

Copy coordinates and paste column wise to other places

When using Copy Graph as Picture from Edit menu, now can use DIB type raster image by default rather than EMF by setting @CPRO=0 .

Follow major software on perfectly horizontal vertical line with SHIFT

Press Ctrl key and double click a single point in box chart to customize it individually

Control filter conditions in Graph

Support draw connection line behind box or bars

An alternative to the Piper Diagram to demonstrate the relationship between various ions within hydrochemical samples

Right click a plot and choose Go to Book context menu

More than 30 extended graph templates are added in Origin 2021b’s Template Library to extend Origin’s graphing capabilities.

Separate font size control for tick label table title

Keep the same font size between in-place editing mode and text box if highlight all and set font size

Specify plot properties such as shape, color, etc. by column label rows so column with same label will show same shape, color, etc.

Plot different kinds of marginal plot with grouped data with highly customizable main, top and right panels.

Customize shape, rotation and style of asterisk bracket

Redesigned Template Library dialog with more controls

Easier way to add an image background in a graph

Applicable map(s) show under Insert menu

Click the button will help user to install and use Latex app

In Merge Graph windows dialog, Auto is added under Page Setup->Orientation to keep layer size when merging graph windows.

Data Plot Legend Translation Mode button (Legend Translation Mode in 2021) improvement

Support mask both source data and output data for grouped box chart

Check matrix units to set isometric, increase speed mode

Ignore Gap between subgroup if tick table label is set to merge between subgroups

Mini toolbar button is added when clicking a plot to add linear fit curve, confidence band, prediction band, confidence ellipse (mean), confidence ellipse (prediction)

Mini toolbar for different 3d plots, axis, layer and page

Simplified mini toolbar to only show those related to layout page, such as Slide View and Graphs Selectable toggles

Isometric, Transparency, and Hide Others buttons on layer level mini toolbar

Fill shapes with orientation/reverse orientation and subset support to split filling

Add an option template to plotting xf: plotbylabel (Multiple Panel by Label) and plot_gboxindexed (Grouped Box Charts - Index Data)

Network plots show interconnections between a set of entities.

Graph: Merge Graphs to Layout… menu loads a simpler X-Function dialog to stitch graphs into layout window with page size kept

We add Warming.oth, Warming.pal and BuRdYl.pal Surface.pal to build. Besides, we can merge new system color info into User File Folder on installing

User had to click on a plot to select it to fade away other plots by default. If this mode is turned on, User just need to mouse over a plot to highlight it. No need to click on plot.

Y Value: Plus Minus option is available for line color, symbol color(including symbol edge, symbol fill color) and pattern fill color (when there is fill under curve, and type is Normal and Fill to Base).

Axis title will show in 2 lines, 1st line with long name, 2nd line with units of the plot

When editing color list from Plot Details dialog, use Build Colors dialog instead of Increment Editor.

Connect stacked bars or 100% stacked bars by ribbon

Change Angle between axes and Start Angle for X Axis

Send Graphs to Powerpoint launches APP instead of the old x-function

Image plot should be plotted with color scale if it’s not plotted by image matrix.

Simpler tool to export active graph to PNG (default), BMP, JPG and TIF

If there is numeric value in each Y column label rows such as comments, etc., user can plot stacked line based on offset in such column label rows

A graphical representation of chemical analyses to illustrate relative ion concentrations for multiple samples.

Label Sub-Pie/Column so sub-pie/colum adds up to 100.

Support Data Reader on 3D scatter when only has connect line

Use Ignore Missing Data for Column/Bar Width to consider a point to gridding or not.

Add Log10, Ln, Log2 scale type in Plot Detail dialog’s Data tab.

Histogram can be overlapped and skewed

We add the following key into template
so that we can add additional scripts in it and then it will create plots like clicking on toolbar.

By default cap of dropline shows as circle. Set @lcpd=1 or 2 to make it square or flat.

For wrapped tick labels, line spacing control is added

Support more XY mapping for matrix data plot to matrix on other matrix sheet or worksheet columns

Support transparency for fill only in plot and graphic object

Ctrl+Z after deleting a graph window

Press shift key to disable aspect ratio when zooming

Support Zoom In/Out in Data Reader mode

Installation and Licensing

App Center and Check for Updates require the software to be registered

Preset registry system variables in config.ini under User Files Folder


Mouse Scroll Wheel can scroll the whole scroll bar in vertical.

Origin 2021b will keep a new "Last-AutoSave.opju"

Change default value of copy page ratio for graphs to 100%

Hide Add Apps Icon and build-in tabs

Explain why window is locked when mousing over the window in Project Explorer.

  1. Update Start Menu button with new icon

  2. Add Help: Activate Start Menu

Updated toolbar buttons and menus to encourage user to use Data connectors, etc.

add font control in Origin.ini for message log and output window

File: Properties… menu to save separator and Line Spacing settings and then save into project file.

Create popup toolbar button in User-defined button group


A new property layer.plot.name$ is added.

New methods added to GrpahLayer class to set Z Scale. New parameter added to AddPlot function for supporting matrix duplication

Added unembed_sheet(self, sheet) function to originpro WBook class.

New method in originpro package, get_import_sheet(), has been added.

Improve mechanism to reset Python environment

  1. Python function to do linear curve fit and non-linear curve fit

  2. It supports nonlinear surface fit by improve set_data(). For example: set_data(wks, 0, 1, z=2)

  3. It supports nonlinear matrix fit by introduce set_mdata(). For example: set_mdata(ma,1)

  4. It supports nonlinear multiple variables fit by introduce: set_range(). For example: set_range('[Book1]1!(1,2,3)')

  5. It also supports both Implicit fit and explicit fit by adding argument method for NLFit class. For example: op.NLFit('Ellipse', 'odr')

Added menu item Copy to Context Menu to copy a row in Data Navigator.

New Origin C macro for when there is no Help for dialog

Press Alt+F5 to execute Custom Routine

Function returns row index of records that meet the condition.

Methods of ini support getting ans setting string values

Support using 0 to refer to last column and 0! to refer to last sheet in range notation. layer -d 0 to delete last sheet

Add more prototype to Color() function to set mapping option for layer.plot.color.

Add a new function Modifier(nIndex) for easily setting index column for plot symbol size, color, etc,. Also, a new properties layer.plot.symbol.interior to set symbol shape.

Cleanup code for Type command to type text to a file.

Add a new property wks.Gap to wks object, then user can use it to add gap from top for Matrix Book and placing buttons.

Add wks.maxCols to scan all columns and find the largest column index that has value, similar to wks.maxRows

Labtalk output to support Unicode

Add new options to access Layer name, Group name of plot for substitution notation.

Add LT access to set/get the XY map data for contour plot and 3D surface plot.

Skip the size limitation when print string variable to Script Window.

Mechanism to allow user to define their onw LabTalk constants

A new method ToString is added for the LT Tree variable.

Find strings in other locations other than current document

Improved add_plot() method to support data range string. Added group() method to group plots. Support Plot class to allow setting colormap and shapelist.

Add several methods to originpro WSheet class and originpro MSheet class.

Update originpro, OriginExt and OrglabExt to support Python 3.9.x.

New method set_formula introduced.

  1. support converting Origin user tree to Python dictionary.

  2. support reading data from report sheet.

  1. Added op.attach() function to originpro in Origin 2021b Sr2

  2. Fixed the issue that exit python control can not release Origin.

Add a new function ReportCell() to accesses hierarchical report table cell and returns the content of the cell.

Extend Sum() function to calculate for more row wise statistics, include Mean, StdDev, Min, Max, N, Median.

 Define a specification above the function declaration

Using labtalk to create workbook with many sheets were slow.

Add more statistics functions e.g. lcl, ucl, mad, geomean, geosd, harmean and improve ave and confidence function

They are under Functions: Statistics menu in Set Column Values dialog

method add_plot() is improved to support error bars

Added path and pages function to Folder class

Use this to easily calculate row-wise sum from specified column to last column

Support Intellisense in Python Console.

Add method such as folder navigate, folder move, etc.

Improve PyOrigin and OriginExt to handle custom missing value setting by wks.col.missing.

Improve LabTalk column property for formula to be writable.

Third argument (dctype) added to WSheet from_file method allows code to specify exactly which DC to use for import by specifying the DC name. If argument not specified, method will either us CSV or Excel DC.

Python can be used in button script now.

Introduce a system variable @R2SZ to control the precision’s threshold, default is 1.0E-307.

Improve X-Function's option string N to support the substitution for output name in operation tools, see [OutputLongName] section in Origin.ini.

Added plot_cloneable(self, template) method to originpro WSheet class.

Added comments property to Page and Layerclasses. Added access to WSheet “User” tree. See Details for code examples.

Add a new option Before Install Script to X-Function Builder.

Origin 2021b Bug Fixes


Data Handling




Origin 2021b Known Issues

License and Installation




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